Friday, September 7, 2012

14 Weeks (It's late. Sorry!)

See my baby bump. Haha
How far along? 14 Weeks
Total weight gain: Not sure yet.
Maternity clothes?
Wearing maternity shorts because they are so comfy. :)
Stretch marks? none yet

Sleep:  It is hard to fall asleep at night still. I am having bad back pain still. 
 Best moment this week: Energy and no nausea!
Miss Anything? I miss working out, doing the bodybuilding workout.
Not yet.... But I can't wait.
Food cravings: Pizza. Mac n Cheese. Apples.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Dirty diapers and the litter box. yuck!
Gender: Unknown yet..

Labor Signs: No

Symptoms: Heart burn
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on

Happy or Moody most of the time:  I have been really happy and energetic this past week.
 Looking forward to: My next doctor visit, baby movements, and the big ultrasound.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Week 13

 The weeks are coming fast now. I know they will slow down the bigger I get.  They always do. I am in the middle of looking pregnant and looking like I ate too much food. I hate that between stage. :) I am also feeling sick this week. I am not sure if it is a cold or allergies. I feel miserable. I hope I get over it soon. 

How far along? 13 Weeks
Total weight gain: Went back down to pre-pregnancy weight.
Maternity clothes?
Not yet. Getting close though.
Stretch marks? none yet

Sleep:  It is hard to fall asleep at night still. I am having bad back pain and it is getting worse. 
 Best moment this week: Reaching 2nd trimester!
Miss Anything? I miss energy some and a flatter stomach. :)
Not yet....
Food cravings: Pizza. lol I am not a huge pizza fan before either.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Dirty diapers and the litter box. yuck!
Gender: Unknown yet......

Labor Signs: No

Symptoms: Nausea, tired, and cramps.
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on

Happy or Moody most of the time:  I have been happier this past week.
 Looking forward to: My next doctor visit.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Sweet Baby Stokes #4 is on the way!

           After all I have been through the past eight months I never thought I would be having another baby Stokes! A miscarriage in December and surgery from an ectopic surgery in May. I had one tube left and was okay with a family of five. I was at peace with not having another child. Then without thinking about it I was suppose to start my monthly friend and hadn't yet so I took a pregnancy test. It was positive. I thought it was a joke. I pulled out a digital one I had and it read Pregnant pretty fast. I was in shock! I didn't think with one tube it would be possible or as quick. It was a month since surgery. I went straight to the doctor and they confirmed I was pregnant and they wanted to make it was in the uterus. A long and short 8 weeks later and here we are with a cute, healthy , little baby in my belly! We are excited, yet scared. :)

 12 weeks Pregnant!!! Due March 4, 2013

How far along? 12 Weeks
Total weight gain: 2 lbs.
Maternity clothes?
Not yet. Getting close though.
Stretch marks? none yet

Sleep:  It is hard to fall asleep at night. I am having bad back pain. I had to take Tylenol pm the other night just to sleep. :(
 Best moment this week:  Reaching 12 weeks!
Miss Anything? I miss energy some and a flatter stomach. :)
Not yet....
Food cravings: Fruit and cherry limeades at Sonic
Anything making you queasy or sick: Dirty diapers and the litter box yuck!
Gender: Unknown yet......

Labor Signs: No

Symptoms: Nausea, tired, heartburn, and gassy
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on

Happy or Moody most of the time:  The last couple weeks have been a roller coaster of moods. I am getting more energy and reaching second trimester though. 
 Looking forward to: Second trimester and hearing the heart beat again!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Thankful Thursday: Family Vacation

     This Thursday I am thankful for the past opportunity of getting to go on a family vacation. As a child I did not go on many vacations at all. It was nice to get away, the kids have fun, and get closer to family I do not get to see that often.

       I was adopted when I was two by a family that was close to my biological family. My mom had passed away and my dad adopted me to this family. It was a difficult time and I do not blame him at all. I have kept in touch with Tom and he invited me and the kids to go to Florida with them for a week. Joey unfortunately had to stay and work, but I thought it would be great to get out and enjoy a vacation.

       We stayed in a beach house (the SwankyShack) in Cape Coral, Florida. It is pretty far south. We went to five beaches. My favorites were Fort Lauderdale and Fort Myers. It was nice to swim in the ocean, relax on the beach, and enjoy a cozy beach house. It was an amazing week. I grew closer to my biological family and the kids enjoyed their aunts and uncles so much. They had a blast. Bailee cried when they left our house.

        God works in mysterious ways. I am sure Tom never thought after giving me up he would get to spend time with me and then his grandchildren. It was an amazing trip and showed me how much family means to me. They are a close and strong family. The kids needed that time and God knew so did I. I am very blessed to be given new opportunities every day!

Have a Blessed Day!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Emergency rooms, medicines, and surgery oh my!

     Wow! The past month has been so action packed my head is still spinning (could be the pain medicine though). My blog has been placed on the back burner in lieu of everything else in my life. I hate that and want to make this a big priority. I guess I will start with an update on the new chaos.

      It started on April 1st when I took Ana to the emergency room. She was burning up with a high temp, lethargic, and I just knew something was wrong. They found out she had a viral bronchitis, ear infection, and allergies. They gave her an antibiotic shot and breathing treatments. She then was bouncing off the walls because of the steroids. I was just glad she was happy and back to herself again.

    Then when Ana was due was a follow up at the doctor Bailee was acting really sick. It was the same week. She had an ear infection, tonsil infection, and allergies. She was on antibiotics and it cleared up quickly.

     About a week later Emerson went in for his 18 month appointment and was coughing, slight fever, and whiny. He  ended up having a slight case of phenomena and bronchitis, ear infection, and allergies. He still received his shot for the appointment, antibiotics, and breathing treatments. This time he was refusing his medicine. That stubborn boy! :) Then on April 27th Emerson had a horrible rash spreading on his body and whiny. I knew he has eczema, but this rash was spreading fast and looked so painful. I took him to the emergency room and found out he had yet another ear infection and impetigo (pronounced in-pen-ti-go not in-pet-a-go ha-ha). He received more antibiotics. Poor baby.

     The next turn was me and this is where the story gets crazy and sad. Sunday April 30th I was changing Ana's diaper and gagged. I thought it was weird and something told me to go take a pregnancy test. I had received my monthly "friend" as usual but it was lasting longer than usual but didn't alarm me. I took the first test and it was positive but light. I took another one and it showed up positive. I went to the store and bought a digital test and it said pregnant. I was then convinced I was pregnant but was concerned about the bleeding. I went to the emergency room to make sure everything was okay.

    I first went to MTMC and they had more than a three hour wait so we left and went to Stone Crest and got there around 9pm. They had a wait but it did not seem that long. It was over 3 hours until I even went to triage. Then we had to wait back in the waiting room for a room. About another hour later we were in the room. They said their computers were down and that was why they were going slow. I had peed in a cup around 11:30-12 and every time I asked about the results they said they would have to look. Finally around 3:30 they came in and said oh your pregnancy test was positive. We had called the ultrasound tech and she has an hour to get here. The only other thing they had done was an exam and said my cervix was open about 1cm. After the ultrasound about 4 am they came in to tell me they could not find a baby and I was having a miscarriage. I was devastated. The second miscarriage in 4 months. My mom came and got me. I spent 8 hours in the ER and will not go back there.

    I called my OB/GYN the a few hours after being home. They made an appointment for me around 1:30. I went and they did an exam, said my cervix was closed, I was pregnant, and drew some blood. They were upset the ER told me I had a miscarriage without being 100% certain. They told me to return Wednesday to get my blood drawn again to check my HCG levels and make sure they double. I went in Wednesday morning and they put the results STAT. They called around noon and said they had almost doubled. They wanted me to return Friday morning for another blood check, ultrasound, and to see the doctor. She said if I felt any pain in my lower abdomen or bleeding to call them ASAP. I went about my day but taking it easy.

   Around 4:30 I was on the computer and started having stomach pain. I brushed it off thinking maybe it was ligaments stretching or something. Then the pain suddenly got worse and when I went to the bathroom I was bleeding again. I was suddenly doubled over in pain crying. I called my doctor office and they said get to the ER immediately. I called Joey crying and he came home to take me. I got a sitter and we headed to MTMC. I waited about an hour and because they thought I could be having an ectopic pregnancy they sent me straight to a room. They took amazing care of me and had me off to an ultrasound right away. Within a few hours they confirmed I was pregnant, my HCG levels were the same, and they noticed a worrisome image on the ultrasound and they thought I had an ectopic pregnancy. The OB came in and offered me three options: to go home and wait it out, get exploratory surgery, or stay overnight and re-access in the morning. We chose to be monitored overnight because I was in so much pain and IV medicines were only helping so much.

    I was able to get some sleep around the pain and nurses. The next morning (Thursday May 3rd) the other OB doctor came in to see me and checked my abdomen. When he pushed on it it started hurting on the opposite side then my lower back started hurting very badly. He looked at me and said you are bleeding in your abdomen and we need to do surgery. Joey brought the kids to see me and at 10:30 am they sent me to pre-op. Joey showed up from dropping the kids off and they had already given me medicine and I do not remember much but bits and pieces from there. When I woke up I remember asking for my husband over and over and where my underwear was. lol Joey had gone to pick up the kids since we only had a sitter for a sort time.

    Joey finally got there and they had told me I did have an ectopic pregnancy and they had to remove my entire left fallopian tube. The tube was swollen with a cyst and the baby inside. I also had a lot of bleeding in the abdomen. They made 3 incisions. I was sent home later that evening. I was sore and tired. For the next few days I took my medicine and slept. Joey took amazing care of me, the kids, and the house. I was blessed to have a husband to be by my side and care for me.

    I was cleared by the doctor yesterday but was having bad headaches, nausea, mood swings, and just wanted to sleep all the time. I was told my hormones are going crazy because I lost a baby through surgery. He also said I have postpartum depression. My goals are to get back to the gym ASAP, I have started sewing on my new machine and want to continue, and enjoying each days with my babies and husband. Joey has started a new job after being let go once he was released from workman's comp. Things are looking up. I am just not sure if we want to continue trying anymore for a baby. I think for now we are going to enjoy our 3 amazing and healthy children and let God lead us from here.

      Sorry this blog is so long. I just wanted to get everyone caught up and know the chaos in my life. I will hopefully be sharing sewing projects, crafts we are doing, and any other thing I feel is nifty.

Have a Blessed Day!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Thankful Thursday: Spring of Life

     Here I am weeks away from my last post and wondering where time went. Watching kids full time on top of my own children, caring for my house, new activities, and working towards a college degree keeps me very busy. I barely remember to eat yet write a blog post. :) I am sorry!

     Winter is a cold season. Sometimes with snow. Sometimes with just chilly weather. It may be dreaded and wishing it was over. Then this season of Spring seems to flow in and brings sunshine, birds chirping, green grass, flowers blooming, new smells and sites, and fresh beginnings.

    This year Spring has sprung in my life in a whole new way. It is amazing how one small step can change your whole world. February 12th we chose to go to New Vision Baptist Church and try it for a day and see. This church touched my heart more than I realized it would. Eight weeks later I am a member, going to a group, volunteering in the preschool, and never want to miss a day. I have meet amazing people that have made a big impact on my life.

    I have rededicated my life to God. This is one of the biggest decisions in my life and has changed me and my view of life in a million ways. I dedicate each day for him and I fail but I know his love for me will never fail. He is by my side no matter how bad I am and I can rely on him 24/7. He is keeping me strong.

    One other change this Spring of life has brought is an amazing change in my relationship with my husband. We have fallen back in love. We find time daily for one another. We have focused so much on the children and let things go. We are rededicated to one another and bringing God to the top of our relationship. I love him more and more each day.

    I am so thankful for an amazing God. Without him I would be so lost. I am thankful for him opening up my heart to him. For the family he has given me and the three children he chose for me to be their mother. Leading me to NVBC and being moved and blessed by Brady's words. I could continue on and on with all my blessings. My eyes are fully open for the first time and my heart is so happy it could burst.

What has God done to bless you today? I would also like you to share an inspirational story or favorite Bible verse.

Have a Blessed day!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Thankful Thursday: Being a Mom

      Hello!! I am sorry I have been MIA for over a month. Things have been cRaZy! And yes I know it is Friday writing this, but hey better late than never, right? :) Things have been changing for the better and it was so hard picking what I am thankful for this week. As I'm writing this my children are sitting around me playing cars together (maybe not always nicely, but together). I just feel this overwhelming love and blessing for these three amazing children. God chose me to be their mother. That is awesome.

    Being a stay at home mom it is not always easy, fun, glitter, and rainbows. You deal with the crying, attitudes, bad behaviors, fighting, messes, and more. On top of that you have a husband and a house to run. It can get overwhelming fast with multiple children (and animals too). That being said I can not describe the love I have of being a mother who can stay home with their children. I would deal with the negative any day.

     I may not be paid with physical money, but I get an over abundance of hugs, kisses, and I Love You's. That's a better payment. I look forward to the silly and crazy things Bailee comes up with daily. Yesterday she was so upset Ratatouille did not have a mother she was wanting to get a new Ratatouille movie with a mother. She could not believe he did not have a mother. Poor baby. Analeigh gives the best hugs and is starting to potty train. She loves to cuddle and be held. Emerson is my momma's boy (love/hate relationship with that). He is my cuddle bug. He amazes me daily with new words and his growing knowledge.

     All three babies have me wrapped around their little fingers. I would do anything for them. They know I give in easily. :) I could not imagine life without them. I thank God daily for these little miracles and that he trusted me to guide them and be their mother. Amazing.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Funday Monday: DIY Liquid Laundry Soap

So I thought to make Mondays fun and motivating I can start a post of Funday Monday. It's a post about DIY projects to inspire others. Feel free to leave links to your projects and ideas! :)

Today is DIY Liquid Laundry Soap. (Makes 10 gallons)

To begin you will need:

5 gallon bucket (I got mine at Home Depot for under $5)
4 cups hot tap water
Bar of Fels-Naptha soap bar (found in laundry section) (I also used a small bar of Ivory for the smell)
1 cup Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda (This is NOT baking soda. You need the washing soda from the laundry section) 
1/2 cup Borax

 1. Grate the soap and add it to the pot of hot tap water.  Stir continually over medium-low heat until soap dissolves and is melted.

2. Fill a 5 gallon bucket half full of hot tap water. Pour in the melted soap, washing soda, and borax. Stir until well combined and powder is dissolved.

3. Fill the bucket to the top with more hot water. Stir, cover, and let sit overnight.

4. The next morning it will look yellow and kind of chunky. Stir it well.  Fill a used, clean, laundry soap dispenser half full with soap and then fill rest of way with water. Shake before each use. (will gel).

-Yield: Liquid soap recipe makes 10 gallons.
-Top Load Machine- 5/8 Cup per load (Approx. 180 loads)
-Front Load Machines- ¼ Cup per load (Approx. 640 loads)

This soap should last you quite a while. I love the smell and it really cleans my clothes. I also use vinegar as my fabric softener. I am now trying to find a DIY dryer sheet to make the clothes smell extra nice. :) 

Have a Blessed Day


Saturday, February 4, 2012

{Show Me Some Love} 14 Days of Valentine's Day 4!!!!

Feb. 1 – One Tough Mother
Feb. 2 – DIY Dreamer
Feb. 3 – Pitter and Glink
Feb. 7 – One Tough Mother
Feb. 8 – Pint-Sized Baker
Feb. 9 – J Yipp Photography
Feb. 10 – Bird & Tree
Feb. 11 – Growing Up Gabel
Feb. 12 – Scrapity Anne
Feb. 13 – My Life and Kids
Feb. 14 – One Tough Mother

     Here is the long awaited post. I am sorry to leave you guys hanging all day! I am really excited to share my project. I made a wreath. I was suppose to use a styrofoam heart, but EVERY craft store in my area was sold out. I improvised and I love it! I bet you will too.

Here is the finished wreath. Since I did not use a heart I added a glittery heart in the center.

You need:

Styrofoam wreath (heart or any shape)
3/4 yard felt
Small push pins
Ribbon to make a hanger
I then traced a cup from my kitchen to get a 3 in circle to cut the felt

After the felt is cut you fold a circle in half then fold it in half once more.

You take a pin and push it through the bottom point and push into the styrofoam. I cut a small piece of ribbon and pinned it wtih a few pins on the back. If you want the hanging hearts I used a pin to make a small hole and used fishing line to hang it.

This is a very easy craft. It can be a little time consuming, but fun. Who knew felt could turn into such a pretty project?

Have a Blessed Day!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Thankful Thursday: Coffee

    The Host

 Coffee..... Oh, what can I say about coffee? You can make it in so many ways, many flavors, lots of creamers, sugars galore, drink it hot or cold, put it in recipes, gives you a nice jolt of energy, and on and on I can go. It's amazing stuff. Did I know this for awhile? NO! I have discovered how amazing it is over the past couple months.

I hate getting addicted to things. I seem to need change often and it's hard to continue with things once I get started. I have drank coffee on and off for a couple years because my dad drinks it. Once I discovered the mass varieties of creams and that I did not have to drink it black (like my dad) I started to venture into coffee drinking. I do not notice too much of an energy spike, but I love the taste and smell. I would brew it all day for the smell!

I am not sure about many moms, but in the morning when the kids are bouncing off the walls as soon as their little feet hit the floor I am like WHOA! Let momma wake up a minute. :) I have to grab my cup of coffee and then I deal with all the "I'm hungries" and cuppie request and more. It's like a little calming effect once I start sipping it's like ahhhh I can face the day. Bring it on! :)

Have a Blessed Day and a nice cup of joe!


What are you thankful for today?
What is your favorite creamer?

 *Mine is White Chocolate Macadamia Nut (although I can't find it anywhere lately grrr)*

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Thankful Thursday: Answered Prayers


      This week an amazing thing happened for our family. God stepped in at a time where we needed him the most, but we did not know it at the time.

     The bad news was last Friday morning while my husband was working he crushed his foot between a metal rack and his fork lift. He suffered a soft tissue crush. No bones were broken surprisingly and thankfully. I had to take him to the doctor later that morning after he came home early. He foot has swelled twice it's size and was very bruised. The doctor took him out of work for a day and told him to return Monday.

      Leading up to Monday his foots swelling went down but it still looked awful and he had a big blood blister on the left side of his foot. He had to stay on the couch all weekend and rest or he could damage the foot further or lose the skin on his foot. I took him to the doctor Monday morning and while waiting for the doctor I just knew they would not let Joey go back to work for awhile. His foot was not healing fast enough.

      My mind was racing and I was wondering how are we going to make it? Joey is our bread maker. He is the only one bringing in a decent income. If he is out of work what are we going to do? I then asked him when do you think we will get your last W-2 to file taxes? We both laughed and said they will most likely not mail it out until the 31st. Well, within minutes (if that) of that conversation my mom calls with the best news. HisW-2 had just arrived in the mail. I immediately called our tax lady (Jamie Sims, she's AMAZING!) and made an appointment for the next day!

      I was so excited to get our taxes done that I forgot we still hadn't seen the doctor. He looks at Joey's foot and says it's healing but not in the way he would like to see it heal. He wanted to send Joey to an podiatrist. He may need surgery and will need physical therapy. I asked when he believes Joey may return to work. He said to call God and ask him. He wasn't being funny but honest. He was unsure.

     My stomach sank a little. Joey would only get paid one more check. How does workmans comp work? How will we get income? I tried to stay positive and I did know things would be okay. We had made it through worse and had each other. This will work out... It had too....

     Tuesday we are off to do our taxes. We are late (because of me!) of course. After a little bit of a wait we go back to see Jamie and see how well we end up. This is when God's work amazed me. It knocked the breath out of me and I felt relief and blessed! Jamie showed us those amazing numbers on that screen. The biggest return we had ever received. I still can't believe the number! Then I asked her when we would receive it. She said February 1st. That is one day before Joey was suppose to get paid next but hasn't worked. I was in shock and wanted to cry. God had provided for us even whenI didn't realize we really needed it.

     Even though Joey got hurt we are still so blessed. I am thankful for every moment. Even when I want to scream, cry, and pull my hair out. It's the chaos I call life. I wouldn't trade it for the world!

What has God blessed you with this week?

Have a Blessed Day!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Thankful Thursday: A Hard Working Man

     It dawned on me that past couple days how blessed I am that I have a man by my side that works so hard to provide for our family. He doesn't have to work. He chooses to find a job and work so hard to bring in an income. He allows me to stay home with our three amazing children.

  I am very blessed to be a stay at home mother. I am also blessed God gave me Joey. We may not be the richest people in the world. We may not always have an abundance of money. We make it through though. We have each other by our side and we know we can conquer anything. We were blessed to be chosen to be the mother and father to three amazing children.

Blessings come in all shapes and sizes. What are you thankful for today?


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I'm a Cleaning Machine

I have been cleaning my house like CrAzY lately. I am not sure where this burst of energy came from, but I ran with it. I shampooed the living room, couch cushions, and all upstairs. My wonderful husand helped shampoo the living room furniture.

I mopped, cleaned, and organized the kitchen with the help of all three munchkins.

It was nice to be cleaning the house and having everyone involved. I feel relieved to have a super clean, organized house now. Next on my list is to break cleaning into lists and focus on a to-do list and what I want to accomplish. I am addicted to lists!! Haha I will share the templates of ones I use once I find out how to include them.


Egg Muffins and Banana Bread YUM!

I promised these recipes days ago. I am sorry! I have been "spring" cleaning and spending time with my children and school work.

Anyways, how is every one's third week of the year going? Sticking to resolutions still? If not it's okay. Just begin again. Everyone slips up, but the important part is getting back up and continuing. :)

Egg Muffins

This is the basic recipe for egg muffins I use. I use a metal cupcake pan. LOTS of cooking spray and no liners. I typically only use 9-10 eggs also because I use more meat and veggies. I add salt, pepper, and milk to the eggs for spice. My favorite ingredients to use are diced ham, spinach, freshly grated cheddar cheese, and the egg mixture. I back 350 F for 30 minutes. They turn out amazing. I make big batches for the refrigerator and we eat them for breakfast. So quick. 30 seconds in the microwave. I hope everyone enjoys these as much as we do!!

Egg Muffins

(Makes 12 muffins, recipe created by Kalyn with inspiration from The South Beach Diet book.)

15 eggs (for silicone muffin pans, use 12 eggs for metal muffin tins. You can use less egg yolks and more egg white if you prefer.)
1-2 tsp. Spike Seasoning
1-2 cups grated low fat cheese (I like sharp cheddar or a blend of cheddar/Jack cheese, use less cheese if using meat)
Optional, but highly recommended, 3 green onions diced small.
Optional: chopped veggies such as blanched broccoli, red pepper, zucchini, mushrooms, etc. (Using veggies will reduce the fat content)
Optional: diced Canadian bacon, lean ham, or crumbled cooked turkey sausage

Preheat oven to 375 F. Use regular or silicone muffin pan, 12 muffin size. If using silicone pan, spray with nonstick spray. If using regular muffin pan, put two paper liners into each slot, then spray liner with nonstick spray.

In the bottom of the muffin cups layer diced meat, if using, vegetables, if using, cheese and green onions. You want the muffin cups to be about 2/3 full, with just enough room to pour a little egg around the other ingredients. Break eggs into large measuring bowl with pour spout, add Spike, and beat well. (I used to add a bit of half and half or milk, but lately I like the way they turn out without it.) Pour egg into each muffin cup until it is 3/4 full. I like to stir slightly with a fork. Bake 25-35 minutes until muffins have risen and are slightly browned and set.

Muffins will keep at least a week in the refrigerator without freezing. Egg muffins can be frozen and reheated. For best results, thaw in refrigerator before reheating. Microwave on high about 2 minutes to reheat.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Thankful Thursday: Bedtime

      I have been following The Marathon Mom ( for awhile now. She does a post on Thursdays for one thing she is thankful for. I was going to wait until next week but why put it off?

I love my children and the chaos of everyday life. Although I would have to say I am thankful for bedtime. I enjoy my days with my kidlets, but every mom (or parent) needs that break. I love bathing the babies, getting on comfy pajamas, reading them bedtime stories, tucking them in, and getting those lovings hug and kisses. They look so precious when they are sleeping. They sweet faces and so quiet. :)

Another reason I love bedtime is I get mommy time. No needing to get juice cups, change diapers, break up fights, or hear crying. It's peaceful. I work on school work, eat that one snack I had to hide from the kids, and just relax and relish in time to myself. I think what makes this time the best is that I still have the kids upstairs, so I know they are safe.

It's the little things in life I am thankful for. It may be small but feels major to me. Try to take time to stop, take in your surroundings, and be thankful for the small things in life that God has blessed you with.

What are you thankful for?


Where does time go??

Wow! Sorry it's been several days since I posted. Things have been crazy around here. I'm either cleaning, cooking, or school work! Accounting home work has my head spinning (and that's my major haha).

So how is every one's resolutions coming along? I honestly haven't had a chance to look at mine, but I have been changing things around here. I have been more positive. I have noticed a difference in not just me but my family. Even Joey has been making changes and it melts my heart and love him more. I love seeing him being an awesome daddy and husband!

 The other part of my resolutions I have been working on is finances. I signed with with and have been tracking our fiances. They have amazing features to use. I have been using coupons, taking surveys, swagbucks, coke rewards, pampers rewards, and baby sitting more children to help financially. It's two weeks into the year and I just have this feeling this is going to be a great (and busy!!) year for us.

I did leave out a resolution of finishing my associates degree and graduate in December. I have made it 8 months. Only 11 months to go. I can do this!! I love my major. I have been having difficulties getting a few assignments in on time so to add to that resolution is getting ahead on all school work (mostly finals) and NO MORE LATE WORK!! I have a 3.0 but I know I can do better!

Sorry this blog has been a bunch of blabbing. :) I will conclude with a very yummy recipe I made today from The Marathon Mom. The link to her site is It is a very easy recipe and tastes so good! I used chia seeds instead of flaxseed because I didn't have it.

Granola Energy Balls

  • 2 cups oats
  • 2 cups coconut flakes
  • 1 cup peanut butter
  • 1 cup ground flaxseed
  • 1 cup chocolate chips
  • 2/3 cup honey (I use raw, unfiltered.)
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon (optional)
  1. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
  2. Roll into bite-size balls. (The size you roll them will determine how many the recipe yields. I rolled mine a little bigger and the recipe made about 18 balls.)
  3. Store in fridge.

I put a link to her site also so you can print it. Once I figure it out I will post recipes with print capabilities. (Any suggestions??)

Have a good night (or day). Thanks for stopping by!


Friday, January 6, 2012

Is it God's Way or Is it Mine....?

I have been having an issue with a controversial topic with myself. It has been off and on for years. Tonight it got brought back up in my mind while I was getting ready for bed. So, I figured I would blog about it and maybe get other's perspective and stop fighting with myself.

We all argue with ourselves over many things. Why did I eat that? Why did I say that (or didn't say that)? What was I thinking? and so on..... The issue I am facing is a religious one.

I believe in God. With all my heart. I wish I was closer to him. Had a stronger relationship with him and bring my family to a closer relationship with him. Over the years I tend to question whether the choices I make are my choices or one's God wanted me to choose. I know God knows our life, where we will be in the future, where we have been, and where we stand now. He knows the mistakes we are going to make, the good decisions, and the lessons we learn.

The problem I keep facing is I question decisions I am facing as to whether I should or should not. I am a VERY indecisive person. I tend to question a lot of things (Hey, I even question who made the words for sky, colors, and on...). That can be a great thing and it can be a very irritating thing.

The question that popped in my head tonight that made me think again was one about adding another child to my family. I am a grown woman. I can choose on my own to have children and how many. God has given three amazing, beautiful, more than I could imagine children. I am so blessed. Although, I do not feel I am done having children. I have always wanted a big family. It's been a dream of mine. Yes, three children can be considered big, but five has always been my number.

This question became an issue when I had mirena taken out in October because I was having many complications and birth control does not match with me well. In December I ended up finding out I pregnant and in a few short days I miscarried. I know it had medical reasons behind it, but I know God knew we were not ready to be parents at the moment again or maybe that baby wouldn't be healthy. I am not 100% sure. I looked at all my children today in amazement. They are wonderful. Then my friend let me watch her baby who is 17 days old. She was so tiny and precious. She was another reminder of God's greatest blessings. As I held her I watched her sleep and wondered is choosing to have a fourth child MY decision I am making despite God's plan or is God leading me and will allow me to be pregnant at the right time? Is it always up to him for our future or can we steer off his path and make our own life decisions?

I wish there was a way I can talk to God. For him to speak back to me, to guide me. I have prayed and prayed and not once received an answer from God or have him speak back to me in any way. Am I not doing it right? I picked up my Bible the other day and a devotional. I set it down on my end table and have not picked it up yet. I would like one of my goals starting tomorrow is to focus on once a day reading over God's word, following the devotional, and see where God takes me. I just wish I didn't always question my decision whether they are wrong or right. I am letting the timing and decision up to God on our family continuing. I lay it in God's hand to take me on the path he has choosen for me and my beautifully blessed family.

Does anyone have any advice, questions of their own, or just words of encouragement? Feel free to share. Goodnight!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Resolutions for 2012

          A New Year is all about a fresh start. New Beginnings. Last year was not my best year, but I vow to make 2012 awesome! I am choosing resolutions I know I can keep, but I also want to break my goals up to monthly and weekly. Weekly I will post about how well I held up those goals and what I need to work on. I would like everyone to join me also. Keep each other accountable.

          2012 Resolutions:

  •  Be more positive and change the way I think and speak negatively.
  •  Eat more healthy and make sure the kids are on a good eating plan.
  •  Spend more time with my children.
  • Make a monthly date night with my husband.
  • Keep up my blog daily.
  • Make a budget and STICK to it.
  • Find a way to financially provide for my family.
  • Keep up hobbies that I start and find one I enjoy.
That is all I can think of for now. I will break them down into smaller goals in a later blog. I would love for everyone to post their resolutions. Here's to a great 2012 for everyone!!!


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Here's to New Beginnings

      Since we are starting a new year I have been thinking over things I have wanted to do and how to achieve those goals. I have decided to start blogging after years of contemplation. I am not fully sure where to start and exactly all I will use this blog for, but here I go!

      I would like to write about life as a wife, mom, and daily activities. If anyone has any ideas please feel free to share them! I love doing crafts, baking, kid activities, family activities, and more. I hope to gain readers and inspire others. We can share our experiences, goals, achievements, and so much more!!

    Thank you for taking the time to read today and I look forward to where this will go for the future.