Thursday, January 26, 2012

Thankful Thursday: Answered Prayers


      This week an amazing thing happened for our family. God stepped in at a time where we needed him the most, but we did not know it at the time.

     The bad news was last Friday morning while my husband was working he crushed his foot between a metal rack and his fork lift. He suffered a soft tissue crush. No bones were broken surprisingly and thankfully. I had to take him to the doctor later that morning after he came home early. He foot has swelled twice it's size and was very bruised. The doctor took him out of work for a day and told him to return Monday.

      Leading up to Monday his foots swelling went down but it still looked awful and he had a big blood blister on the left side of his foot. He had to stay on the couch all weekend and rest or he could damage the foot further or lose the skin on his foot. I took him to the doctor Monday morning and while waiting for the doctor I just knew they would not let Joey go back to work for awhile. His foot was not healing fast enough.

      My mind was racing and I was wondering how are we going to make it? Joey is our bread maker. He is the only one bringing in a decent income. If he is out of work what are we going to do? I then asked him when do you think we will get your last W-2 to file taxes? We both laughed and said they will most likely not mail it out until the 31st. Well, within minutes (if that) of that conversation my mom calls with the best news. HisW-2 had just arrived in the mail. I immediately called our tax lady (Jamie Sims, she's AMAZING!) and made an appointment for the next day!

      I was so excited to get our taxes done that I forgot we still hadn't seen the doctor. He looks at Joey's foot and says it's healing but not in the way he would like to see it heal. He wanted to send Joey to an podiatrist. He may need surgery and will need physical therapy. I asked when he believes Joey may return to work. He said to call God and ask him. He wasn't being funny but honest. He was unsure.

     My stomach sank a little. Joey would only get paid one more check. How does workmans comp work? How will we get income? I tried to stay positive and I did know things would be okay. We had made it through worse and had each other. This will work out... It had too....

     Tuesday we are off to do our taxes. We are late (because of me!) of course. After a little bit of a wait we go back to see Jamie and see how well we end up. This is when God's work amazed me. It knocked the breath out of me and I felt relief and blessed! Jamie showed us those amazing numbers on that screen. The biggest return we had ever received. I still can't believe the number! Then I asked her when we would receive it. She said February 1st. That is one day before Joey was suppose to get paid next but hasn't worked. I was in shock and wanted to cry. God had provided for us even whenI didn't realize we really needed it.

     Even though Joey got hurt we are still so blessed. I am thankful for every moment. Even when I want to scream, cry, and pull my hair out. It's the chaos I call life. I wouldn't trade it for the world!

What has God blessed you with this week?

Have a Blessed Day!


  1. This gave me chills Katie!

    1. Thank you for reading! I am glad you enjoyed it.

      Have a Blessed Day

  2. Baby I love u and thanks for taking Care of me, while my foot is jacked up. It will all get better and you an amazing wife! Love you so much

    1. I love you too baby! I don't mind taking care of you. I vowed to do it. :) Thank you! I love you bunches!

      Have a Blessed Day
